Open a company in Florida USA

Open a company in Florida USA

Find out more
Company registration services
Business and tax consulting
Registration of a company in the USA
Obtaining a tax number
Opening a bank account
Registered agent and address
Open a company now!
Submit your application
Grant Law Corporation registers companies in business areas:
Online sales
Services sector
Real estate
Financial activities
Open your company today!
Submit your application
accompanying services
Immigration to the USA
Registered agent services
Maintenance of constituent documents and certification
Support of the company's activities
Representation in the USA
Company closure
Service packages
  • Checking the company name to see if it can be used
  • Registering a company with the Secretariat of State
  • State fees
  • Obtaining a Certificate of Status
  • Assignment of EIN in the US tax office (IRS)
  • Services of a registered agent with an address for a period of 1 year
  • Memorandum of association
  • Minutes of the meeting of directors of the company / decision of the participant
  • Share certificate
  • Corporation record book
  • Seal
  • Opening a corporate account with a US Bank (the price includes a deposit of $100, which you can dispose of from the moment the account is opened)
  • Nominee director or shareholder US Resident for 1 year
1000 USD
  • Checking the company name to see if it can be used
  • Registering a company with the Secretariat of State
  • State fees
  • Obtaining a Certificate of Status
  • Assignment of EIN in the US tax office (IRS)
  • Services of a registered agent with an address for a period of 1 year
  • Memorandum of association
  • Minutes of the meeting of directors of the company / decision of the participant
  • Share certificate
  • Corporation record book
  • Seal
  • Opening a corporate account with a US Bank (the price includes a deposit of $100, which you can dispose of from the moment the account is opened)
  • Nominee director or shareholder US Resident for 1 year
3500 USD
  • Checking the company name to see if it can be used
  • Registering a company with the Secretariat of State
  • State fees
  • Obtaining a Certificate of Status
  • Assignment of EIN in the US tax office (IRS)
  • Services of a registered agent with an address for a period of 1 year
  • Memorandum of association
  • Minutes of the meeting of directors of the company / decision of the participant
  • Share certificate
  • Corporation record book
  • Seal
  • Opening a corporate account with a US Bank (the price includes a deposit of $100, which you can dispose of from the moment the account is opened)
  • Nominee director or shareholder US Resident for 1 year
5500 USD
Required information from the customer
  • Information about the founder
    if it is an individual, then a passport is provided. In case the founders are legal entities, it is necessary to provide the company's constituent documents and the decision to establish a company in the USA (translated into English and notarized)
  • 3 company name options
  • Information about the company manager
    passport, job title
  • Information about the registered agent and his address
  • Business Location - Address
  • Number of shares or distribution of company shares
How we are working?
Usually each of our clients passes 3 stages. But if desired, he can proceed to any of the following stages, bypassing the previous ones.
Stage 1
We do a lot to ensure that our customers and compatriots receive useful information, therefore, becoming our YouTube channel subscriber and reading our information on sites, you can get general useful and up-to-date information for free.
Stage 2

You order a paid consultation and within the framework of the consultation you ask all your questions about registering a company in the USA, namely to answer For frequently asked questions about the cost and timing of opening a company, we need to know more information:

  • In which state is it necessary to open a company?
  • Do you have an address where to register a company? Or do you need this service - a registered agent and the provision of a registered address?
  • Who will be the director of the company, who is the founder, how many founders, how are the shares distributed if there are several founders?
  • Are there plans to address immigration issues in the future?
  • Do you need related services?
  • You need to open a company account in the USA. Who will open the company account and have access to the account?

Here are the main questions that we find out in the online consultation. You can also ask your questions on this topic within the consultation time indicated below. The cost of a business consultation is $200. Consultation time - 40-60 minutes. Only after we determine the composition of the necessary services, we can report the cost of services for opening a company. Бухгалтерское обслуживание, налогообложение, юридическое и таможенное обслуживание - так же можно будет обсудить в рамках этой консультации. Консультация проводится в офисе нашей компании или по номеру +1 (954) 304 3008 (Skype, Telegram, WhathApp & Viber).

Payment is made in advance! Payment to the company account, from a credit card, via PayPal. The fact of consent to receive a consultation is confirmed by the issued invoice.

Stage 3

You fill out a form on our website. Our managers contact you by e-mail or phone and confirm the data. We form and send an invoice (invoice) for payment according to your order to your e-mail.

  • Payment options: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Western Union, Zele, Bank transfer.
  • You fill out a form on our website.
  • Our managers contact you by e-mail or phone and confirm the data.

After paying the bill:

  • Processing client documents.
  • Checking the name of the company for a match in the state.
  • Approval of the name by the owner of the company.
  • Assignment of a registered address.
  • Submission of a formal application to the Secretary of the relevant state in the United States.
  • Payment of duties.
  • Obtaining a document of registration from the secretariat of the state.
  • Creation of documents: charter, minutes of meetings, printing and promotions - OPTIONAL and depends on the selected service package.
  • Registering a company with the IRS, resulting in a taxpayer registration number (EIN#).
  • Sending documents in electronic form and originals by mail - depending on the selected service package. Sending documents to the specified address of the client by regular mail within the United States or anywhere in the world. International shipments are paid separately at the rates of FEDEX, UPS, DHL courier services.
  • Conclusion of a service agreement (by agreement - legal, accounting, tax, marketing ...)
Advantages of registering a company in the USA with Grant Law Corporation
Your process is handled by an experienced immigration lawyer
Only proven and reliable options
All your data is strictly protected from disclosure to third parties.
Individual approach
Individual approach
Open a company now!
Submit your application
980 N Federal Hwy 110 FL 33432
123100, Presnenskaya emb., 12, Moscow City, Federation Tower, floor 51, office 308
105120, Small Poluyaroslavsky per., d.3/5 page1